Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Let the vacay begin!

How many times have we said, "I really need a holiday!" but did nothing about it. Well, after the past few months of managing the panic attacks, work issues and did I mention panic attacks... I'm now on holidays. A holiday that requires flights, hotel and the dreaded bathing suit. Being a woman of a certain age dealing with internal solar flares... I'm getting over the bathing angst and getting ready for some poolside knitting and napping.

We really don't do enough self care. We're conditioned to care for family, overextend ourselves at our jobs, say yes when asked to do things for others, volunteer for everything and then... do it all over again before we even consider taking time for ourselves. Knowing ones own limits is one thing... adhering to them is another. Heaven forbid you say no to someone without thinking you're getting the evil eye for being selfish. We know that self care is important for if we don't care for ourselves, we'll have nothing left to give to others. Yes, we all know that but...

If we don't listen to our hearts and minds they will shut down on us. Mine did... the anxiety levels were so high that a month off and medication was required. I failed to listen... to act... the body and mind forced me to action. We all know people like me... and we say to ourselves, "That'll never be me." Surprise! 

Part of my self care, including my time off was to begin to say no and not feel guilty about it. Not easy but it's a lot easier than I thought it would be. I still don't do well with large crowds (my wee knitty groups don't count) that require my attention but I'm starting to go out in crowds that I don't have to do anything but just watch the goings on. So I'm heading off to California to help celebrate my HearstSister's birthday with style... hanging out at the House of Mouse (the ultimate over-stimulating crowd sensation)... and quietly knitting by the pool resting the weary soul under the bright sun. 

We all must care for ourselves... it's not a selfish act. Not taking care of ourselves and pretending nothing is wrong is the selfish act. I learned the hard way. So... time to find the passport, load the music on the iPod, put the finishing touches on me new tote and more importantly, sort out what knitty projects to bring... possibly warn the hotel cabana boys! Let the vacay begin!